Upcoming Events

LA Fire Relief

Our city has experienced the worst fire in our history and many people’s lives have been devastated. We know many hearts are hurting and many are in need of help. If you have any needs arising from the fires, whether it be physical aid or prayer needs, please do not hesitate to reach out to the church (info@upcla.org). 

This Sunday 1/12, we took up a special offering to go towards aid relief for people affected by the fires. We will give the offering to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) which will provide both immediate and long-term relief to victims. To find out more about the ministry of PDA, visit pda.pcusa.org. Please make your checks to University Presbyterian Church or give by Zelle (giving@upcla.org) and write in the memo “Fire Aid” to distinguish from regular tithes and offerings.  

Service Opportunities


Salvation Army

3rd Tuesday every month | 6-9pm

The Salvation Army
1533 4th St., Santa Monica
We partner with the Salvation Army to prepare and serve a warm meal to those experiencing homelessness in Santa Monica. Join us on the third Tuesday of every month from 6-9pm.


Convalescent Ministry

Mondays | 10:30a-11:30a
Ivy Park
1312 15th St., Santa Monica, 90404

Bring joy to the elderly through a time of uplifting worship on Monday mornings from 10:30am-11:30am!

For more information about our service opportunities, email info@upcla.org