University Presbyterian Church is about sharing the purpose, peace and acceptance we’ve found in Christ with UCLA and the surrounding Los Angeles community. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or family, there’s a place for you here with us as we grow together in the love of God.
We hope that you can find the right community in UPC. Read what former and current members say about the church:
Core Values
Our purpose is to bring people in, build people up, and to further the Kingdom of God at UCLA and the West LA community.
We carry out our vision through our core values of biblical teaching, practicing spiritual disciplines and the ministry of the Holy Spirit, engaging in relationship building, personal ministry, and reaching out.
What does this look like in our everyday lives?
Spiritual Disciplines – Our personal relationship with God grows through our commitment to reading the Bible, prayer, and practicing other faith-building disciplines.
Holy Spirit Ministry – We rely on the Holy Spirit to do His work and ministry in every aspect of our lives.
Relationship Building – As we build deep relationships and serve one another, Christ is made real among us as a community of believers.
Personal Ministry – Our faith grows as we learn to minister and serve using our gifts, putting our faith to action and caring for those most in need: the poor, alienated, and oppressed.
Reaching Out – We live in a way that exemplifies the love of Jesus to the world, sharing the truth, forgiveness, and healing of Christ that we have received.